"Books are magic portals to another dimension."
I read, and watch TV shows, anime and dramas.
Lola and the Boy Next Door.
Author: Stephanie Perkins
Pages: 368
Purchase it here: Amazon and Barnes and Noble
Lola Nolan is a budding costume designer, and for her, the more outrageous, sparkly, and fun the outfit, the better. And everything is pretty perfect in her life (right down to her hot rocker boyfriend) until the Bell twins, Calliope and Cricket, return to the neighborhood. When Cricket, a gifted inventor, steps out from his twin sister's shadow and back into Lola's life, she must finally reconcile a lifetime of feelings for the boy next door.
Lola and the Boy Next Door is the sequel to Anna and the French kiss. Sort of ..... Not really. It is the second book but it's not a continuation. Does that make any sense. Basically the second book has a different plot and character but incorporates characters from the original book into it.
SOO OHHHHH MYYY BOOTYYYYY, is it even possible for a human able to produce such an amazing, heartwarming, emotional book. Like Stephanie Perkins has to be a magic genie. She is incredibly talented. But every human has a flaw and as for Stephanie Perkins her flaw for me is the cliche plot. like in both her books Anna and the French Kiss and Lola and the Boy Next Door there is a girl who likes a boy but the boy is taken or the reverse of it and then they eventually get together. The same old story as any other contemporary. She also solves some of her problems instantly which is one of my pet peeves. I want the ending to build up and become something mind blowing and unexpected. But i got to give it to her, she was still able to craft three books that makes you want to melt into the story. Do you notice what i did their there is not transition and that is how i feel like when i was reading her resolution in the end.
The character growth in the book is one of the main focuses. like at the beginning of the story Lola is going to clubs and making excuses to go to Max but towards the end of the book Lola matures and begins to understand things like her mother and her fight with Calliope. But i felt like Max he did the opposite of grow he shrank. He is 22 years old but at the end of the story i feel like he acts like hes 5. I had found that really interesting.
Another thing Stephanie Perkins is know for is being able to touch upon serious topics such as gay love, age gaps within a relationship, mother & daughter problems, acceptance into society, or childhood love. Somethings aren't as serious as others but she makes it something like childhood love seem more important than ebola. Well maybe i'm exaggerating a bit but you get the point right. lets just pretend you do because if you don't then this makes things awkward.
Oh yea if you guys are wondering about the saying Oh my Booty. Its a long story but since this review is long, i'll cut it short. Over the summer of 2014 i met these two amazing siblings. Named Kyle and Jocelyn and Jocelyn would always say Oh My Booty instead of OMG because it sounds better. Obviously. So i keep saying it sometimes in memory of them because they live half way across the country and i might never see them again.
Sorry i haven't posted a lot over the past few weeks but I'm trying.
Good morning, afternoon, or night. How would i know, its not like i stalk you. Just kidding as always well Bye, I'll talk to you guys in my next post.
I actually managed to read 40 something more pages before bed last night. But ended up sleeping at 12 something. IT WAS WORTH IT. Still not really a fan of Lia's pov. If you read this book comment down below telling me does it get better. Now need to finish an essay. WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF. leave everything at the last minute and then 4 minutes later procrastination hits.
Well bye talk to you in the next post.
Don't judge, I only have so little time in a day. So i didn't finish much and i'm hoping to read more before the day ends. Also i told my friend about the book and then i explained the plot line. Next thing i know shes like " Ha shes going to marry the assassin or die because everybody knows the in a book with arranged marriages the two never get together once the girl runs away. When you finish the book watch you come up to me and say your right." I was laughing so hard at that point which just made me want to finish the book quicker. Anyway about the book i have my suspicions on who is who. But no clue if i'm right. loving this book so far. The only downfall is i find my self skipping ahead to see when the assassin's and prince's pov come into play, which means I'm not a big fan of Lia's pov. Probably going to get a lot of hate for that. A lot of people love her character.
I'm trying to post as much as possible. I'm on a roll right now.
Well sayonara which is goodbye in Japanese. have a great night, morning, or afternoon. how am i suppose to know.
As much as i love mythology itself. I don't have time to pick up a mythology book for fun. like my TBR pile is way to large. So now your probably wondering then why are you reading this when your current reads consists of at least 6 books. Well the answer to your question is SCHOOL. Fairly enough Greek Mythology is extremely interesting unless you know all of the stories. Which i do. As a child i went through a phase where i was obsessed with Greek mythology. You probably all know the feeling you get when you read a book for school. It's either a good or bad feeling. Most of the time for me it's bad. So bad that i don't even want to read the book and begin to resort to sparknotes. But I'm being indecisive right now because mythology can't ever be bad but school can turn nearly anything boring or bad. I will do a review on this book when I'm finished but there won't be much to say. Also i noticed something about this book, i believe that once you read the first few chapters and now all the gods, titans and Olympians you can read it in any order. If any of you guys read this book please tell me in the comments below "Read it" or "Sparknotes".
I'm so proud of my self this is my second post today. Please don't expect this to be a pattern because School is tiresome especially when i'm tired and sleep is essential.
have a good day you lovely people reading this.
P.S: My book has this weird coffee aroma.
So do you remember when i said it was difficult to get into. Well once you get over that hurdle its the best. i love the assassin's and prince's point of view. Not a fan of lia's pov. But i'm not finished with the book yet so its still undecided.
Also i would like the thank the deceased Columbus for discovering america, though history says otherwise, for giving me Monday off.
Bye bai i would talk to you in my next post.
I'm sorry i have not been posting for a while I've just finished all my test. I hope. like literally for the past two weeks everyday I've had at least one test. I couldn't post after school because i had to volunteer for a local elementary school up until around and it takes me 45 minutes to get home from there. so i basically come leave home at 7:22 and come back at 7 something. Afterwards I still have to do a load of homework. So I'm going try and post some reviews during my three day weekend.
Also i recently tried to start kiss of deception and i have to admit, i was so excited for it but its extremely hard to get into. Or was that because i was busy.
O'well sorry for giving you my life story but if you were wondering this is why i haven't done much.
So I decided to do a end of the summer wrap up instead of a September wrap up because I'm about 100% sure I only read one book in September. I know I know it's bad but to be far school started and I had a project I saved for last minute. Ugh. I'm ashamed too. But everyone does it. After all it is summer. Okay as for the books I read in summer.
Anna and the French kiss.
Omg this book is so cute and perfect for the summer. The romance and setting is so well written.
Lola and the Boy Next Door.
(only book I read in September)
After reading Anna I just had to read lola. Lola does not disappoint.
Th...s...this book messes with your mind. But in a good way.
Open road summer
This was the perfect book at the perfect time because I was also traveling across the U.S. Which made me love it 10x more.
Breakup artist
It has a strong plot line and idea but for me it was extremely predictable.
Catch a falling star.
This book was really good, it's Chiquita unique at the same time.
I think I know why I only read one book in September. It's because I didn't have Isla and the happily ever after. Sob T-T. I should have taken advantage of my summer because I'm never going to end up reading a book if my school has this much testing a week. Literally everyday of the week I have at least one test. This has been happening for two weeks now. I NEED SLEEP.
October TBR.
Since its a trend going around bookbloggers and booktuber I'm going to try to read some horror but mostly fantasy because that's me. FYI the trend is that October is a themed month where u have to read some horror. But I'm baby and I can't read horror. If I do I'm going to crap my pants.
Throne of glass by Sarah J Mass
AAAASSSSSASSSIANS !!!!! what more do I have to say.
Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson
I'm so excited for this there's so much hype around this book.
End game: the calling by James Frey & Nils Johnson-Shelton
I'm so excited for this book the plot and everything is so epic but I heard bad things about the author.
I'm just going to try it anyways.
Trail by fire by Josephine angelini.
The plot just seems so epic.Plus parallel dimensions.
Anna dressed in blood by Kendare Blake
this is the horror book for October because i can't and don't do horror anything.
I'm probably going to stick to my tbr. Though I doubt that I'm going to ever finish all of it. If I do ( highly unlikely) I might read books like fan girl or the jewel. Who knows. Only those who are fortune tellers. If you are one can you tell me if I got a 100 on any of my tests..... I though so.
*reviews for this will be up soon. When they are, I will link them as titles.
Baaiiii have a great day, evening, or night. How would I possibly know.
well that ought to give you nightmares. Night mares are not intended, it was just a fun Halloween photo.
(Hey, you have to admit its beautiful and creds to the talented person who made it.)
The Murder Complex
Author: Lindsay Cummings
Pages: 398
Purchase it here: Amazon or Barnes & Noble
Meadow Woodson, a fifteen-year-old girl who has been trained by her father to fight, to kill, and to survive in any situation, lives with her family on a houseboat in Florida. The state is controlled by The Murder Complex, an organization that tracks the population with precision.
The plot starts to thicken when Meadow meets Zephyr James, who is—although he doesn't know it—one of the MC’s programmed assassins. Is their meeting a coincidence? Destiny? Or part of a terrifying strategy? And will Zephyr keep Meadow from discovering the haunting truth about her family?
THIS BOOK LEFT ME SPEECHLESS..... MAKING ME WANT THE FEAR TRAILS EVEN MORE!!!! The Murder Complex is Lindsay Cummings debut novel. I must say Lindsay was very brave to choose a dystopian novel as her debut novel because dystopian books are set in another world, making it more difficult to bring to life than a contemporary book. But be honest a contemporary isn't as interesting as a gruesome dystopian is it now. She did a magnificent job bringing both the world and the characters to life. The way she describes the world it makes me feel like I’m inside of it. I don't think anyone would want to live in that sort of world, unless it’s for Zephyr.
This book was told in a duel point of view between the main characters Meadow Woodson and Zephyr James. Most of the time when authors have duel point of view, the two characters share one voice. However while I read I didn't even have to check the chapter titles to see whose point of view it is in. Both characters have a unique and clever story line. Meadow has only ever been trained by her father to survive, which is essential because the world has a murder rate greater than its birth rate. Zephyr on the other hand is an orphan, aka a ward, he has works to survive. He does the jobs that no one else wants to do like cleaning up dead bodies from the streets. They couldn't be any more different. When Meadow kills she would have no regrets but Zephyr he remembers those he kills and it haunts him.
To be completely honest overall I thoroughly enjoyed the book. The only problem I had with it would have to be how Zephyr fell in love with Meadow, and for him it was like love at first sight. Which made their relationship seem like it was fake. It made me think that Lindsay was forced to give Meadow a love interest. Also I would have loved it much more if there was more character development from Meadow and Zephyr. But her way of writing is just so compelling, that I couldn't help but love the characters and their relationship. I would definitely love recommend this book to everyone so they can feel the feels with me, but as much as I want to I can't. When you pick up this book keep in mind it is brutal, violent and gruesome but epic in more ways than one.
Do you think welcomes to formal? Lets try that again. Hey so I finally managed to make a blog. I tried once it backfired and everything got deleted. I always wanted to try and review things but never had the courage to make videos, so I hope that blogging would help make me more confident. Blogging is better because I don't have to show my face and during acne season, it ain't the prettiest thing in the world. So I hope you guys can join me on this journey. Enjoy, i'm not gonna be going anywhere anytime soon. But back to school.
After all that I still haven't even told you about me. My name is Amy, its so unique I know. I'm 14 as I start this blog and i'm going into freshman year. I love reading, anime, Korean dramas, TV shows and manga. HAHA, i"m just your typical nerd. I will be doing book hauls, wrap ups, TBRs, favorites, top five Wednesdays, reviews for everything and updates.